Text Color
Read about how you can use colors in your elements.
Color Palette
Class | Hex |
text-primary | #326dee |
text-secondary | #1ac886 |
text-error | #d32752 |
text-info | #f6c31c |
text-teal | #20c997 |
text-blue | #1919e6 |
text-red | #e61919 |
text-yellow | #e6e619 |
text-green | #19e635 |
text-orange | #ffa600 |
text-purple | #9900ff |
text-gray | #808080 |
Color system
There is a color system that allows you to make colors darker and lighter.
You can use text-COLOR-dark-NUMBER
and text-COLOR-light-NUMBER
There are up to 9 different shades of each color.
Primary but darker.
<p class="text-primary-dark-2">Primary but darker.</p>
Primary but lighter.
<p class="text-primary-light-2">Primary but lighter.</p>